Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Athlete -vs- Exerciser. We are athletes.

"For an athlete, accuracy is essential. For an exerciser, it is not. For the exerciser who sweats to the oldies three times a week, the act of throwing him- or herself around the room in order to burn calories is fine. For the athlete, the training objective is to prepare for competition. As such, there is exactness in movements, not just because of predetermined competition standards but because there is greater adaptation when the athlete uses a full range of motion. Each movement deepens the neuromuscular pathway of muscle memory. Do something wrong and you get better at doing it wrong; do it right and you become more competitive."
-Robert Ord Brass Ring CrossFit, CrossFit Journal

At the shop-

5 Rounds for Time:
Run 200m
5 pull-ups (weighted, smaller band or with nothing if five is your max anyway)
10 Kettlebell Swings 35# or 53#
5 Burpee Box jumps

At Home:
If you have a pull-up bar and a Kettlebell or dumbbell do the one posted above. Do kettlebell swings with the dumbbell.
If not, do this:
4 rounds for time-
Run 400m (you can use google earth to measure around your neighborhood or mapmyrun.com)
5 Burpee Box Jumps (Find a place with something to jump onto after a burpees, make sure it's stable and approx. 12" at least.)

Post time and what you used to comments. Kill it!

Links - Kettlebell Swings
I thought there was a burpee box jump video some where. Anyway, do a burpee then a box jump.

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