Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Barbells Are Awesome!

"My original foray into physical fitness, back in 2000, was a particular type of martial arts stick fighting that involved a lot of what they called "moving meditation." At the time, I thought this sounded silly and decided I would tolerate it if they also showed me how to beat people with a stick. In reality, it was a type of focus where movements were performed methodically and purely, and the whole rest of the world fell away. It became one of my favorite things.

For me, CrossFit is a type of moving meditation. When I'm working out it doesn't matter what's happening in the rest of the world. It doesn't matter if I remembered to feed my cat or pay my bills, or if I have a deadline at work or my house is dirty. All that matters is I have a weight in front of me that needs to go over my head. All that matters is I need to get from one end of the block to the other. I need to get this workout done and I will do whatever it requires to get there. Nothing else matters, nothing else exists, and who you are in those moments is who you really are."
-Andy Petranek, CrossFit LA

DeadLift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

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