Monday, February 22, 2010

The Triplet

"The main downside to increased power and intensity
is discomfort. The greater the intensity, the greater the
discomfort. CrossFit can virtually guarantee you’ll get
fitter than you’ve ever been, but you’ll work harder and
have to manage the pain of intensity. Indeed, much of
fitness is nothing other than the tolerance of discomfort."
-Russell Berger CrossFit Huntsville, CrossFit Journal February 2010

At the shop:
Max rounds and reps in eight minutes of:
4 Handstand push-ups
2 pood Kettlebell swing, 8 reps
12 GHD situps

4 Pushups
35# Kettlebell swing, 8 reps
12 abmat situps

At Home:
As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes
4 pushups
8 squat jumps (partial squat and then jump, opening the hips and reaching for the sky)
12 situps

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