Friday, April 30, 2010

Thank you for the good times, Franco.

Franco was the heart of our little gym. He was the most consistent and the most encouraging to others. If he wasn't in town he would always text me wanting to know what the workout of the day was. He did this even when he was on the mountain elk hunting. He would attack the workout, he loved the challenge. After looking up at the workout written on the white board he would do a little head nod acknowledging his opponent (the workout) and then he'd say, "lets do this." He was best at thrusters, he worked like a piston. He could complete the Fran workout "as prescribed" completing three rounds (21-15-9) of pull-ups and 95# thrusters. He made everyone feel good. Often times he would make sure I got the workout in by staying after running the clock and cheering me on.

Although he passed from this life he has left an real impression on those who spent time with him. One day he came in and mentioned that his back was sore from the previous days workout. I said, "so do you need to take a week off then?" "No man, you just gotta push through it." That's what he always did. Now it is time for all of us to "just push through it." At least, we have his example and we can do it like he did it, with heart, never quitting.

Thanks, Franco. For all the good times.

KSL News Story
My understanding is that accounts have been set up at Wells Fargo and Zions Banks for Franco's family. He has a wife and five children.


  1. Franco was my inspiration to become a correctional officer. He encouraged me to do my best and coached me through what I needed to know. He is the one who told me about CrossFit and introduced me to Will. I will forever b grateful for having know such a wonderful, inspiring man. Franco was a great friend and mentor. We will all miss him dearly! We luv u Franco and will cherish all the wonderful memories u have shared with us!

  2. Franco's 110% WOD. for time:

    10 thrusters 95lbs
    10 cleans 95Lbs
    10 push-presses 95lbs
    10 dead lifts 95lbs
    10 push-ups
    10 pull-ups
    10 yard walking lunge
    10 handstand push ups
    10 sit ups
    10 burpees
    10 double unders
    10 thrusters.
